Imagine my surprise when I arrived home (exhausted) from a full day of training yesterday and just broke out in tears. I was a complete wreck. Even worse, I didn’t know what had brought on this sudden, and very emotional outburst. I hadn’t put much thought to my covert narcissist. Nothing new was going on…
Category: My Story
What Does Evil Look Like?
Slater – Never got to say goodbye to this wonderful dog. RIP, my best friend.
“It’s Just Numbers”
Thus were the words spoken to me by my attorney after our first family court hearing. The purpose of that hearing was to address the order of protection that was filed against me. At that same hearing, my covert narcissist spouse was also told that I would be serving her with a divorce. To be…
I Should Have Been An Abortion…
It was a day, just like any other day. I was a senior in high school and just arrived home from school. As it was forbidden to enter and exit our house via the front door, I made my way around to the back of the house and came in through the sliding glass door….
Checkmate in Three… What is next?
Predictable…that is the one word that comes to mind when I reflect back on my ordeal with my covert narcissist. Although I did not know when she would erupt in narcissistic rage, it was still predictable. As much as narcissists are rumored to be a force to reckon with in court, my experience has been…
Do Narcissists Love & Do We Love Them?
An interesting and maybe controversial topic on this Valentine’s Day is whether narcissists love their partners and do their partners love them. The easier of the two is the latter question, do their partners love them. I would say emphatically, yes. Why? By our nature, we give 100% in our relationships. Our narcissists were no…
My Support Network
Fundamental to any recovery from a relationship with a covert narcissist is a great support network. This is mine. For clarity, they are the three on the right side of the photo. I cannot say enough great things about all of them. For starters, we all go back 30+ years. The two gentleman and I…
How My Covert Narcissist Helped My Recovery
Believe it or not, and certainly not by her own intent, but my covert narcissist was a tremendous help in my recovery due to her own actions. It helped me understand what she really was. More precisely, it demonstrated to me the evil that can lie within a covert narcissist. How did she do that?…
Idealization, to Devaluation, to Discard
As I would with any other illness, my approach to marriage to a covert narcissist was to stay married and use all of the tools and education at my disposal to attempt to keep the marriage intact. To be honest, I did not believe we had a bad marriage. We certainly didn’t fight and argue….
Let’s Do It!
As would be the case in all narcissistic relationship, all roads lead to discard; whether it be by the narcissist, or their survivor. Whether codependents realize it or not, there is no amount of love that they can give to their narcissist partners to satisfy the narcissists ever growing need for supply. They call it…