Jackson Browne wrote “Running on Empty” while driving to the recording studio for his album The Pretender, inspired by his habit of not filling up his gas tank because the studio was so close, leading to a “running on empty” lifestyle metaphor. As part of my recovery from a narcissistic relationship, I invested time visiting waterfalls…
Author: Covert Narc Survivor
Checkmate in Three… What is next?
Predictable…that is the one word that comes to mind when I reflect back on my ordeal with my covert narcissist. Although I did not know when she would erupt in narcissistic rage, it was still predictable. As much as narcissists are rumored to be a force to reckon with in court, my experience has been…
Don’t Stop
“Don’t Stop” was written by Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac in response to her separation and subsequent divorce from the band’s bassist, John McVie, and became a song about moving on and finding hope.
Do Narcissists Love & Do We Love Them?
An interesting and maybe controversial topic on this Valentine’s Day is whether narcissists love their partners and do their partners love them. The easier of the two is the latter question, do their partners love them. I would say emphatically, yes. Why? By our nature, we give 100% in our relationships. Our narcissists were no…
Call Me When Your Sober
Amy Lee, the lead singer of Evanescence, wrote “Call Me When You’re Sober” about a painful breakup and the need to stand up for herself. The song is about the difficulties of ending a relationship and the courage to move on. The song has become an anthem for many narcissistic abuse survivors and speaks to the courage…
It’s Not Real Love
I would be surprised if I didn’t find any victim of narcissistic abuse consider getting back into the relationship. By our nature, we are empathetic people who truly give 100% in our relationships. Narcissists are experts at manipulation and control. Sometimes we may falter because we let our hearts speak instead of our minds. It’s…
Unmasking The Covert Female Narcissist
Whereas the majority of narcissists are male; the majority of female narcissists are covert. This book covers some of the specific behaviors of the female covert narcissist. The book validated and affirmed many of the things I observed with my female covert narcissist. Additionally, it provided some insight into how I became a codependent as…
Respect Your Family?
Useless Desires
Patty Griffin wrote “Useless Desires” to tell the story of a young woman who looks back on her hometown before moving away. The song appears on her album Impossible Dream. For me, this song rings true as somebody who is looking back at my relationship with my covert narcissist. In particular, it looks back and reminds me…
My Support Network
Fundamental to any recovery from a relationship with a covert narcissist is a great support network. This is mine. For clarity, they are the three on the right side of the photo. I cannot say enough great things about all of them. For starters, we all go back 30+ years. The two gentleman and I…